PHP Syntax (Covered Basic and PHP 8.1)

PHP is a server-side scripting language that is widely used for web development. It’s known for its flexibility, ease of use, and ability to integrate with a variety of web technologies. In this post, we’ll take a look at the basic syntax of PHP, as well as some of the new syntax features introduced in PHP 8.1.

Basic Syntax of PHP

PHP code is typically embedded within HTML code, using special tags to delimit the PHP code. The most commonly used tags are:

    // PHP code goes here

The <?php tag indicates the start of a block of PHP code, while the ?> tag indicates the end of the block. Any code between these tags will be executed by the server when the page is requested.

PHP code can also be embedded within HTML attributes, using the <?php echo ?> syntax to output values. For example:

<p>Welcome, <?php echo $username; ?>!</p>

In this example, the $username variable is output within the HTML paragraph tag.

PHP supports a wide variety of programming constructs, including loops, conditionals, functions, and classes. Here are a few examples:

// Loops
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    echo $i;

// Conditionals
if ($score >= 60) {
    echo "Pass";
} else {
    echo "Fail";

// Functions
function greet($name) {
    echo "Hello, $name!";

// Classes
class Person {
    public $name;
    public function sayHello() {
        echo "Hello, $this->name!";
$person = new Person();
$person->name = "Alice";

These constructs should be familiar to anyone who has programmed in a C-style language, such as C, Java, or JavaScript.

New Syntax Features in PHP 8.1

PHP 8.1 introduces several new syntax features that can make coding in PHP even more efficient and flexible. Here are a few examples:

The match Expression

The match expression is a more concise and expressive alternative to the switch statement. It allows developers to test a value against multiple conditions and execute the corresponding block of code. For example:

$result = match ($score) {
    90 => "A",
    80 => "B",
    70 => "C",
    default => "Fail",

The enum Type

The enum type is a new feature in PHP 8.1 that allows developers to define a set of named constants that represent possible values for a particular variable. This can make code more readable and easier to maintain. For example:

enum Size {
$size = Size::Medium;

The readonly Modifier

The readonly modifier is a new feature in PHP 8.1 that allows developers to mark class properties as read-only, preventing them from being modified after initialization. This can help prevent bugs and make code more reliable. For example:

class Person {
    public readonly string $name;
    public function __construct(string $name) {
        $this->name = $name;
$person = new Person("John");
echo $person->name;


PHP is a powerful and flexible programming language that is widely used for web development. Its basic syntax is easy to learn and understand, and its wide range of programming.

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